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CareOne Director of Nursing Receives Frontline Honors Award from the Aging Media Network

CareOne team members, Director of Nursing

CareOne is pleased to share that CareOne at Newton’s Director of Nursing, Rachel Yerokun, RN, has been named to the 2023 Frontline Honors Class by the Aging Media Network in the Skilled Nursing (SNF) category.  

The Frontline Honors Awards celebrates the exemplary character and performance of frontline workers across the care continuum. Rachel’s recognition is a testament to her commitment to providing the highest quality and most compassionate post-acute care. 

About Rachel Yerokun

Rachel’s skilled nursing career journey began in 1994 as a CNA and quickly accelerated when she took advantage of tuition reimbursement to obtain her nursing degree. In 2003, she was hired as a unit manager for a subacute facility with 44 beds. Under her leadership, she transformed the facility into a model of excellence, recognized by state inspectors for its complete deficiency-free status. 

Additionally, Rachel was instrumental to CareOne during the COVID-19 pandemic. She oversaw one of the first COVID-dedicated units in Massachusetts and the first of its kind for CareOne. Under her direction, Rachel’s facility reopened two units to treat ill patients. She never turned anyone away. Rachel frequently worked around the clock to provide necessary care, often admitting 12-13 COVID patients each day. Rachel was the first to cover for her fellow nurses and CNAs when they were sick, and she helped her staff through clinically and emotionally challenging situations. Her agility was crucial to the health and well-being of her patients. 

Rachel’s colleagues often describe her as compassionate, hardworking, inspiring and selfless. Her infectious smile radiates positivity and warmth to all those she encounters, which is an essential quality to possess as a healthcare professional. Rachel’s work ethic is a driving force behind the success of CareOne at Newton. We are very fortunate and grateful to have her.  

Congratulations, Rachel, on this well-deserved recognition from the Aging Media Network and their 2023 Frontline Honors Awards!